Prayer Walk Project 2023

Click the button above to prayer walk
a school in your capital city.

It’s time to send in reinforcements to the literal battlegrounds of every community in America. Let’s support a student-led movement of prayer INSIDE schools as we prayer walk OUTSIDE every middle and high school in our capital cities together!


Local Mobilizers recruit participants and track their city's progress with provided resources and strategy.


A mobilizer is a caring adult who recruits participants and tracks how many schools are prayer walked in their capital city.


• Each capital city's schools are broken up into Groups by CYC.  Each Group is responsible for prayer walking the campuses on their provided list.

• The mobilizer delegates 1 person to lead each Group to ensure each school is covered.  Group Leaders are encouraged to recruit others to join them for their prayer walk!


1. Plan

Register to receive your plan: school list, group schedules, and prayer walk guide!



2. Promote

Access your Promo Pack

3. Pray

Show up and use the Prayer Walk Guide

If you want to participate or have any questions, contact us here.