State Capitals
Click your state capital to find a list of the schools in the city.
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Montgomery, AL
Juneau, AK
Phoenix, AZ
Little Rock, AR
Sacramento, CA
Denver, CO
Hartford, CT
Dover, DE
Tallahassee, FL
Atlanta, GA
Honolulu, HI
Boise, ID
Springfield, IL
Indianapolis, IN
Des Moines, IA
Topeka, KS
Frankfort, KY
Baton Rouge, LA
Augusta, ME
Annapolis, MD
Boston, MA
Lansing, MI
Saint Paul, MN
Jackson, MS
Jefferson City, MO
Helena, MT
Lincoln, NE
Carson City, NV
Concord, NH
Trenton, NJ
Santa Fe, NM
Albany, NY
Raleigh, NC
Bismarck, ND
Columbus, OH
Oklahoma City, OK
Salem, OR
Harrisburg, PA
Providence, RI
Columbia, SC
Pierre, SD
Nashville, TN
Austin, TX
Salt Lake City, UT
Montpelier, VT
Richmond, VA
Olympia, WA
Charleston, WV
Madison, WI
Cheyenne, WY